Fracture Fest 2025
Fracture Fest - Education Day
Thursday 15th & Friday 16th May
James Cook Hotel Grand Chancellor,
“Quality Improvement in FLS”
Making the best of your service.

Fracture Fest 2024
Fracture Fest- Education Day
Thursday 9th & Friday 10th May
Room 310, The Manawa Building, Oxford Terrace,
Christchurch Hospital
“FLS and the older adult”
ANZFFR data shows 57% of our patients are over 75 years old
Final Presentations
Final Program - pdf
Look what you achieved - pptx
Frailty and Dementia - pptx
Fall Liaison study day - pdf
“I enjoyed the two days getting to see the fantastic work being undertaken by all parties (ACC, ONZ, FLS) and the incredible progress they have made in a short period of time. Being a face to face event allowed the participants to network in ways that are lost when the events are held online, hearing the volume of the conversations during the breaks was an indication of the success of bringing everyone together.”
"Networking with other FLS teams and having our voice heard at the workshops sessions, with learnings from the presentations made Fracture Fest 2024 a great education event."
Fracture Fest 2023
On the 10th and 11th of May, Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) staff from around the country gathered at their 2nd annual “Fracture Fest” education days. Fifty participants including Geriatricians, Endocrinologists, GP’s, clinical nurse specialists, physio and occupational therapy staff, pharmacists and administration personnel braved the rough Auckland weather to attend a themed day to learn all about “Vertebral Fractures” at Auckland City Hospital.
Powerpoint Presentations